Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Round Up

Well, all the quilts are safe home, except one, which I fear has either gone walkabout or has been lost entirely. I hope it's not the latter. We're doing some checking into it, but it's been in transit for nearly 6 weeks, which is way too long. I'm going to go ahead and do the round-up anyway, but Lynda, if you don't want to see what quilt you are going to (I hope!) get, look away now.

Ok, so. Here we go. In no particular order...

Quilt no 19 (below) was made by Doreen, and sent to Margaret.

Quilt no 5 was made by Margaret, and sent to Vero.

Vero's quilt, no 41, went to Judith

while Judith's quilt (no 18) went to Susan

and Susan's quilt(no 10) moseyed along to Cathy.

The quilt that Cathy made (24) went to live with Beth

while Beth's quilt (42) found a new home with Elizabeth.

Quilt no 40, Elizabeth's quilt, went to Balinda

while Balinda's quilt (27) was sent to Kendra.

The quilt that Kendra made (no 30) meandered its way to Paulette

and Paulette's quilt (16) crossed the ocean to Lisa R

and to wrap up that loop, Lisa R's quilt (33) ended up with Doreen.

Amazingly enough, there were only two loops in this round of the swap, so the second one is obviously a lot bigger! And here it goes:

My first quilt (I made two), no 9, went to live with Ramona

while Ramona's quilt (no 1), one hopes, will eventually come home to roost at Lynda's house:

Lynda's quilt, no 28, went to Hungary to Ildiko

Ildi's quilt (no 29), which happened to be the most popular choice, ended up with Sharne

whose quilt, no 36, now belongs to Sandra.

The quilt that Sandra made, no 14, went to Penny in Australia,

while Penny's quilt (no 11) ended up with Charlie.

Charlie, who made quilt no 20, sent his creation to Narelle

and Narelle sent her quilt, no 4, to Karrie.

Karrie made quilt no 39, another very popular choice, which ended up with Sarah.

Sarah's quilt (no 12) was also very highly admired, but in the end, it was Kjersti who gave it a new home.

Kjersti's creation (no 31) went to Joan

while Joan's lovely quilt came to live with me (hoorah!)

My other quilt (no 8) went to Valerie,

while the quilt she made (no 35) was destined to live with Karen.

Karen made quilt no 7, and sent it to Lisa S;

Lisa S's quilt (no 23) went to Anne Ida,

while her lovely creation, no 3, went to Carol.

Carol made no 25, and sent it to Vreni in Singapore.

Vreni's beauty (no 6) went to Lynne,

while Glenys was the recipient of Lynne's quilt (no 37)

In turn, Glenys sent her quilt(no 26) to Lana

and Lana sent hers (no 2) to Rebecca.

Rebecca's creation (no 38) went to Andrea

and Andrea sent hers (no 34) to Val.

Deep breath, getting near the end... Val sent no 17 to Margeeth

and Margeeth sent hers (21) to Mary.

No 22, Mary's quilt, went to Barbara

while Barbara's quilt (15) went to Jessica.

And last but not least, Jessica's quilt (no 13) came to live with me as well. Whew.

It's conceivable that at some point I will go back and link all the names, but in the meantime, the list on the right should have everyone who has a blog linked to the blog...

It was a lot of fun this time around, with some really lovely pieces of work - thanks so much to everyone who took part - and perhaps see you next time!

Thursday, 26 August 2010

Almost there!

Well, we are nearly nearly there. Two quilts have still not reached their owners - one is slightly worrying, as it is in transit and has been for some time, but perhaps it's just taking the scenic route. The other is a victim of circumstance - basically it got lost underneath something else in her DH's car on the way to be mailed - but is now on the way for sure, and should be home in a few days. After I get home from holiday I will try to do a grand round-up thingy so you can all see who made what...

Monday, 16 August 2010

Just a few more...

Just few more quilts left to make their way to their new owners - I think they are all in transit, so hopefully, they will land soon. I am away from my computer for the next week or so, visiting some relatives with no internet access - I may be able to pop in from time to time by using Wifi at McDonald's or Starbucks, but don't be worried if you don't hear from me. I hope that all the rest of the quilts will be home soon, and I'll begin to be able to put together a grand "reveal" of who all the fabulous artists are who took part. Thanks again to all of you for playing, and for your patience in waiting for your quilts, if you are one who hasn't received yours yet!

Friday, 6 August 2010

Quilts travelling...

Hi everyone - thanks so much to those of you who are remembering to let me know when you send or receive a quilt. Quite a few of them are at their new homes, and maybe a few more on the way. The people who have NOT YET RECEIVED their new quilts (according to my records) are listed below - if you HAVE received your quilt but are still on this list, let me know, so I can cross you off. I know a few people were away on holiday and therefore didn't mail their quilts till the end of July or even a little later, which is ok, just don't want any to be lost in the mail, so I'm just trying to keep tabs...
  • Lynda M
Hoping to cross lots of these off very soon! [updated 22 August]