Saturday, 28 February 2015

Deadline approaching faster than seems possible...

Hi everyone - just a little reminder that the deadline for photos for the swap is a little over a month away - the 7th of April. Where does the time go? Anyway, I have had a good handful of photos in for the swap already, but if you are putting yours off like a certain hostess whose name I won't mention because April is "miles away", well, perhaps you need to start thinking of what you are going to make!  I look forward to seeing your quilts...

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Here, but busy...

Just to say, if you have emailed me about the swap recently, I am not ignoring you, but I've got a lot of stuff on at the moment, and as I have a handful of emails, some with questions which need answering or problems which need addressing, I haven't quite got around to spending the time on them yet. Soon, I promise!