Quilt no 1 (Falling Leaves), made by Wil in the Netherlands, went to Emma in Australia.

And in a nice bit of synchronicity, Quilt no 20 (Inch by Inch), made by Emma in Australia, went to Wil.

Wil's second quilt, Three Flowers in a Vase (no 2), went to Rho in America .

The quilt Rho made, A Sunny Pre-Hurricane Day in Houston (no 27), went to Vero in Chile.

Quilt no 26 (The Disappearance of Water on our Land), made by Vero in Chile, went to Margeeth in the Netherlands.

And Quilt no 3 (Untitled - orange leaf on blue background), made by Margeeth, went to Ramona in America.

Quilt no 4 (Untitled - fractured technique in yellows and blues), made by Ramona, went to Rae in Australia.

Rae's quilt, Reminder of Spring (no 14), travelled to Marta in Hungary.

Quilt no 15 (Ice Cream), made by Marta in Hungary, went to Marloes in the Netherlands, while Marloes' own quilt
Quilt no 17 (Untitled - newsprint people), went to Julie in England.

Julie's quilt Meander (no 11), went to Ildi in Hungary.

Quilt no 16 (Lacy Fan), made by Ildi in Hungary, went to Margaret J in Australia.

and Margaret's quilt Sturt's Desert Pea - Stained Glass (no 6) , went to Lisa S in America.
Quilt no 18 (Untitled - paper pieced batiks), made by Lisa S in the US, went to Jovi in Lithuania, while Jovita's quilt

Quilt no 23 (Chestnut), went to Lynda in the UK.

Quilt no 24 (Untitled - Crow silhouette), made by Lynda, went to Pippa (also in the UK). Pippa made two quilts for this swap - one of them,
Number 12 (What lies beneath), went to Penny in Australia, who sent her quilt (no 8) back to Pippa in another instance of reciprocity!

Quilt no 8 (Untitled - Kantha style with organza scraps),
Pippa's other quilt
13 (Cupcakes and carrots), went to Lisa R in Australia.
Lisa's quilt (no 10) Cloudhill, went to Kate in England (me!)
and I sent mine to Sharon in Canada
Quilt no 9 (Monoprint with squares), made by Kate in England.
Quilt no 21 (Untitled - with crazy piecing, beading, embroidery, etc), made by Sharon in Canada, went to Kathy in America.
Quilt no 25 (Autumn Woods - pair), made by Kathy, went to Sherry in Canada.

Quilt no 5 (Untitled - 3D Hydrangeas), made by Sherry, went to Patsy (also in Canada), while Patsy's quilt
Quilt no 22 (Quilt for Van Gogh), went to Wil in the Netherlands.
And finally, another "straight swap" -

Quilt no 7 (Orca), made by Margaret S-G in the US, went to Deana (also in the US).

Quilt no 19 (Italy through window shades), and Deana's quilt went to Margaret.